Post-Doc Positions at SUSTech, Shenzhen

This is not a proper “I have jobs! Please apply!” post, but more a general service announcement. It is my understanding that I can essentially have up to two post-docs here at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in Shenzhen without having to worry about funding too much. Shenzhen is one of the most prosperous cities of China. It is located next to Hong Kong, maybe 20 minutes by high-speed rail Well-known companies such as Huawei, Tencent, and BYD are based in Shenzhen. The mathematics department has a strong combinatorics and algebra group, including (in no particular ordering) Qing Xiang, Ziqing Xiang, Caiheng Li, Efim Zelmanov, and Vyacheslav Futorny.

There is some process and formal application process involved which I do not yet understand too much, but I assume that it is not difficult. I had postdoc positions in Belgium, Canada, Germany, and Israel. The salary of a postdoc in Shenzhen is comparable to these. I also talked to several current and former postdocs at SUSTech. They all seem to be happy with their working conditions.

Now why am I writing this? If anyone considers doing a postdoc with me, then write me an e-mail and I can figure out details. So this post tells you about this option. Of course you should work in an area which is sufficiently close to my research. Anything in finite geometry, algebraic combinatorics, or those parts of coding theory and extremal combinatorics which I like are good.

I also seem to have 0.5 PhD positions per year. My current impression is that it is probably not advisable for non-Chinese and that the salaries are not competitive with those in Belgium, Canada or Germany (my current points of reference, see above). Everyone is also very welcome to ask me about that.

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