Move to China & Blog Picture & Data Storage

Let me start with a small service announcement. In November I am taking up a position as an tenure-track assistant at the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen. At least if everything goes well. Airplanes can crash or I could fail the medical examination. The date of my flight is easy to remember. So here is that. People no longer have to ask me.

Then I recently figured out how to make polls, so let me do another one. I started this blog in 2017 when I was a postdoc of Gil Kalai in Jerusalem. Just a few days prior to my first post I visited the Mount of Olives with my housemate Agata, her husband, and my girlfriend/partner at the time. A picture from there became the banner picture of this blog. Now I moved from Israel to Belgium around January/February 2018, so maybe I should change it at some point. But to what? Something in Shenzhen? They have fancy buildings there (just not that old as the city is from 1979, slightly younger than Jerusalem):

But maybe something math-related would be more appropriate. This would require some thinking on my part. Surely, feasible. In any case, here is a poll. I will not implement any change soon (it took me months to write this post).

My next post, whenever that will be, is again about some math. Or maybe about moving my strongly regular graph data to a better place. People tell me that Zenodo might be good option. It even gives your data a DOI and, probably, CERN will exist for quite some time. Let’s see …

3 thoughts on “Move to China & Blog Picture & Data Storage

  1. Robin Simoens says:

    Oops, I voted the wrong thing. For some reason I could not see the options until after I clicked on the first one (the old city). But I meant the city of Shenzhen.

    Have a safe flight!

    1. This blog post plugin is sometimes a bit strange.

      And thanks!

      1. PS: Of course people in China cannot read my blog without jumping the great firewall. That makes me slightly hesitant.

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